Harmon Systems International, LLC
We Provide Solutions That Benefit The World

For over 45 years
John Harmon of D&J Harmon Co. Inc., the original patent holder and developer, has manufactured the SO2 Generator. The Harmon SO2 generator is the premier sulfur burner for water and soil technology for irrigation water treatment and is presently installed and operating at thousands of locations in various countries at golf courses, agriculture facilities and nurseries.
The Harmon SO2 sulfur burner technology is used to control and maintain pH, carbonates, bicarbonates as well as sodium and alkaline in water and soil. Some additional benefits of sulfurous treated water are control or elimination of algae as well as pathogens and sodium in irrigation water.
Many different industries or businesses have unique factors affecting water quality and usage which the Harmon S02 Generator can solve economically and environmentally friendly. Aquatic or Aqua control as the term is used in relationship to water is our specialty. Harmon SO2 Generators are sold worldwide, including Australia, Canada, Scotland, Hawaii, Japan, Chile and Saudi Arabia
John Harmon, of D&J Harmon Co., Inc., isn't just making history with the invention of the SO2 Generator, he is also very busy with his love of aviation and the excitement of RACING! He is the designer and manufacturer of the HARMON ROCKET! First he designed the Harmon Rocket I, then came the Harmon Rocket II and NOW featuring the Harmon Rocket III!
The Harmon Rocket II and the Harmon Rocket III series has appeared on the cover of several magazines, countless news articles have been written, awarded Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion at Oshkosh, RENO Air Racing Association made the SPORT BRONZE class so Harmon Rockets can enjoy in the excitement of racing competition!
Vist the websites below for Harmon Rocket as well as Johns lastest project, the Rocket Shop Cafe - A Bakersfield Original!